
For-Profit Organization or the use for profit by a Non-Profit Organization

MTA (Material Transfer Agreement) contract is needed for distribution for the use by a For-Profit Organization or the use for profit by a Non-Profit Organization (Definition is below). A sample MTA can be found here.

Additional MTA is needed for some strains for For-Profit Organization or the use for profit by a Non-Profit Organization

MTA contract with the ORIGINAL PROVIDER is also needed to use some strains. Please follow the procedure as described on the page at MTA contract with the Original Provider


For use by a For-Profit Organization and use for profit by a Non-Profit Organization

  • By for-profit institutions.
  • For collaborative researches by not-for-profit institutions with for-profit institutions.
  • For contract researches by not-for-profit institutions financed by for-profit institutions.
  • For researches by not-for-profit institutions for financial gain, including researches that directly aim to obtain patent.

MTA (For use by a For-Profit Organization and use for profit by a Non-Profit Organization) contract is needed.

For use for non-profit by a Non-Profit Organization

  • For not-for-profit academic researches by not-for-profit institutions.

Electronic Agreement (For use for non-profit by a Non-Profit Organization) is needed.

MTA Procedure
(For-Profit Organization or the use for profit by a Non-Profit Organization)

We ask a signature of the Authorized Representative of a recipient institution. Complete two copies of signed MTA and send them to KYOTO Drosophila Stock Center.

  1. Register yourself as "Profit organization".
    If you are at Non-Profit organization and would like to use Drosophila stocks for profit (definition above), register yourself as "Profit organization".
  2. Search your desired stocks and add them to your cart.
  3. Input your specific purpose of use of fly stocks and generate MTA.
    Download a pdf file of MTA. It will be also sent to you as an attachment file by the order confirmation email.
  4. Make payment by credit card.
    We accept credit card only (MasterCard and VISA). Currency is Japanese Yen (JPY).
  5. Print two copies of the MTA and complete a required form.
  6. Send them to KYOTO Drosophila Stock Center by post (Air Mail, FedEx and so on).
     User Support Unit
     KYOTO Drosophila Stock Center
     Kyoto Institute of Technology
     Saga Ippongi-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto 616-8354
     (phone) +81-75-873-2660  
  7. Fly stocks will be sent after KYOTO Drosophila Stock Center received your signed MTA.
  8. An MTA signed by the President of KIT will be sent to you. We hold another MTA.
  • Please note:
    If your signed MTA does not reach us within six weeks, your order will be CANCELLED.

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Last-modified: 24 Mar 2023 (Fri) 17:27:00 (639d)