Detailed Information [110692]

Strain Information
DGRC Number 110692
Genotype with FlyBase Link y[*] w[*]; P{w[+mC]=PTT-un1}G00454
Genotype y* w*; P{w+mC=PTT-un1}G00454
Related Genes Viking collagen type IV, vkg
Original Number G00454 II
Comments More information will be found in the FlyTrap: GFP Protein Trap Database at
Received from Lynn Cooley, School of Medicine, Yale University.
Original Source Lynn Cooley
Original Comments Flytrap_Name: G00454
Gene: vkg
CG Name: CG16858
General Information FlyTrap
Genus Drosophila
Subgenus Sophophora
Species Group melanogaster
Species Subgroup melanogaster
Species melanogaster
Reference Morin X, Daneman R, Zavortink M, Chia W.
A protein trap strategy to detect GFP-tagged proteins expressed from their endogenous loci in Drosophila.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2001) 98(26) 15050-5 [RRC reference]
Last update 2024-08-28
Research papers using this strain
[Please submit your publication]
Guss EJ, Akbergenova Y, Cunningham KL, Littleton JT.
Loss of the extracellular matrix protein Perlecan disrupts axonal and synaptic stability during Drosophila development.
Elife (2023) 12 [PubMed ID = 37368474] [RRC reference]

Kurogi Y, Imura E, Mizuno Y, Hoshino R, Nouzova M, Matsuyama S, Mizoguchi A, Kondo S, Tanimoto H, Noriega FG, Niwa R.
Female reproductive dormancy in Drosophila is regulated by DH31-producing neurons projecting into the corpus allatum.
Development (2023) 150(10) [PubMed ID = 37218457] [RRC reference]

Yang K, Feng Z, Pastor-Pareja JC.
p24-Tango1 interactions ensure ER-Golgi interface stability and efficient transport.
J Cell Biol (2024) 223(5) [PubMed ID = 38470362] [RRC reference]

Dark C, Cheung S, Cheng LY.
Analyzing cachectic phenotypes in the muscle and fat body of Drosophila larvae.
STAR Protoc (2022) 3(1) 101230 [PubMed ID = 35284841] [RRC reference]

Lodge W, Zavortink M, Golenkina S, Froldi F, Dark C, Cheung S, Parker BL, Blazev R, Bakopoulos D, Christie EL, Wimmer VC, Duckworth BC, Richardson HE, Cheng LY.
Tumor-derived MMPs regulate cachexia in a Drosophila cancer model.
Dev Cell (2021) 56(18) 2664-2680.e6 [PubMed ID = 34473940] [RRC reference]

Zappia MP, de Castro L, Ariss MM, Jefferson H, Islam AB, Frolov MV.
A cell atlas of adult muscle precursors uncovers early events in fibre-type divergence in Drosophila.
EMBO Rep (2020) 21(10) e49555 [PubMed ID = 32815271] [RRC reference]

Yoshinari Y, Ameku T, Kondo S, Tanimoto H, Kuraishi T, Shimada-Niwa Y, Niwa R.
Neuronal octopamine signaling regulates mating-induced germline stem cell increase in female Drosophila melanogaster.
Elife (2020) 9 [PubMed ID = 33077027] [RRC reference]

Zheng Y, Buchwalter RA, Zheng C, Wight EM, Chen JV, Megraw TL.
A perinuclear microtubule-organizing centre controls nuclear positioning and basement membrane secretion.
Nat Cell Biol (2020) 22(3) 297-309 [PubMed ID = 32066907] [RRC reference]

Anllo L, Plasschaert LW, Sui J, DiNardo S.
Live imaging reveals hub cell assembly and compaction dynamics during morphogenesis of the Drosophila testis niche.
Dev Biol (2019) 446(1) 102-118 [PubMed ID = 30553808] [RRC reference]

Sun T, Song Y, Dai J, Mao D, Ma M, Ni JQ, Liang X, Pastor-Pareja JC.
Spectraplakin Shot Maintains Perinuclear Microtubule Organization in Drosophila Polyploid Cells.
Dev Cell (2019) 49(5) 731-747.e7 [PubMed ID = 31006649] [RRC reference]

Morin X, Daneman R, Zavortink M, Chia W.
A protein trap strategy to detect GFP-tagged proteins expressed from their endogenous loci in Drosophila.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2001) 98(26) 15050-5 [PubMed ID = 11742088] [RRC reference]

Momota R, Naito I, Ninomiya Y, Ohtsuka A.
Drosophila type XV/XVIII collagen, Mp, is involved in Wingless distribution.
Matrix Biol (2011) 30(4) 258-66 [PubMed ID = 21477650] [RRC reference]
Stock Request

Library & Clone Information
Library Name / Clone Name G00454
Strand 5004714..5019983
Insertion Point 2L
Flanking Sequence
Sequence Comment Genome Assembly: