Detailed Information [118949]

Strain Information
DGRC Number 118949
Genotype with FlyBase Link y[*] w[*]; PBac{y[+mDint2] w[+mC]=UAS-BEX3-HA}VK00027 / TM6B, Tb[1]
Genotype y* w*; PBac{y+mDint2 w+mC=UAS-BEX3-HA}VK00027 / TM6B, Tb1
Related Genes Hsap\BEX3
Received Date 27 Mar 2022
Original Number T20
Chromosome 1;3
Also known as y[*] w[*];PBac{w[+]=UAS-BEX3-HA}VK00027/TM6B
Original Source Yukihide Tomari, The University of Tokyo
Original Comments BEX3 (Uniplot identifier; Q00994) fragment is subcloned to pUASg_HA.attB vector by Gateway cloning method. pUASg-BEX3_HA is injected to y1 w1118; PBac{y+-attP-9A}VK00027(BDSC#9744) with PhiC31. Tranegene is balanced by TM6B.
Genus Drosophila
Subgenus Sophophora
Species Group melanogaster
Species Subgroup melanogaster
Species melanogaster
Last update 2023-06-16
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