Detailed Information [306384]

Strain Information
DGRC Number 306384
Genotype with FlyBase Link y[1] w[*]; PBac{y[+mDint2] w[+mC]=UAS-hEP400.B}VK00033
Genotype y1 w*; PBac{y+mDint2 w+mC=UAS-hEP400.B}VK00033
Related Genes Hsap\EP400
Received Date 04 Mar 2020
Original Number 78493
Chromosome 1;3
Comments Received from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.
Date Added at Bloomington 6/1/2018
Original Source Donor: Hugo J. Bellen, Baylor College of Medicine & Susan Celniker, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
General Information Humanized_fly_lines
Genus Drosophila
Subgenus Sophophora
Species Group melanogaster
Species Subgroup melanogaster
Species melanogaster
Human Genes

Last update 2022-05-18
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