Detailed Information [105193]

Strain Information
DGRC Number 105193
Genotype with FlyBase Link y[*] w[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}NP6301 / CyO, P{w[-]=UAS-lacZ.UW14}UW14
Genotype y* w*; P{w+mW.hs=GawB}NP6301 / CyO, P{w-=UAS-lacZ.UW14}UW14
Break points/Insertion Site 38B2
Map Viewer
Related Genes CG10659 CG13968
Original Number 6301
Chromosome 2
Comments FlyBase Insertion: P{GawB}NP6301

NP line. Received from the National Institute of Genetics.

Balancer CyUW14
Cluster id 822
General Information NP_lines
Genus Drosophila
Subgenus Sophophora
Species Group melanogaster
Species Subgroup melanogaster
Species melanogaster
Reference Hayashi S, Ito K, Sado Y, Taniguchi M, Akimoto A, Takeuchi H, Aigaki T, Matsuzaki F, Nakagoshi H, Tanimura T, Ueda R, Uemura T, Yoshihara M, Goto S.
GETDB, a database compiling expression patterns and molecular locations of a collection of Gal4 enhancer traps.
Genesis (2002) 34(1-2) 58-61 [RRC reference]
Last update 2020-04-03
Research papers using this strain
[Please submit your publication]
Kahsai L, Winther AM.
Chemical neuroanatomy of the Drosophila central complex: distribution of multiple neuropeptides in relation to neurotransmitters.
J Comp Neurol (2011) 519(2) 290-315 [PubMed ID = 21165976] [RRC reference]

Kahsai L, Kapan N, Dircksen H, Winther AM, Nassel DR.
Metabolic stress responses in Drosophila are modulated by brain neurosecretory cells that produce multiple neuropeptides.
PLoS One (2010) 5(7) e11480 [PubMed ID = 20628603] [RRC reference]

Carlsson MA, Diesner M, Schachtner J, Nassel DR.
Multiple neuropeptides in the Drosophila antennal lobe suggest complex modulatory circuits.
J Comp Neurol (2010) 518(16) 3359-80 [PubMed ID = 20575072] [RRC reference]

Hayashi S, Ito K, Sado Y, Taniguchi M, Akimoto A, Takeuchi H, Aigaki T, Matsuzaki F, Nakagoshi H, Tanimura T, Ueda R, Uemura T, Yoshihara M, Goto S.
GETDB, a database compiling expression patterns and molecular locations of a collection of Gal4 enhancer traps.
Genesis (2002) 34(1-2) 58-61 [PubMed ID = 12324948] [RRC reference]
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