Detailed Information [126346]

Strain Information
DGRC Number 126346
Genotype with FlyBase Link w[1118] P{w[+mW.Scer\FRT.hs]=RS5}amn[5-SZ-4105]
Genotype w1118 P{w+mW.Scer\FRT.hs=RS5}amn5-SZ-4105
Break points/Insertion Site 19A2
Map Viewer
Received Date 24 June 2009
Original Number 5-SZ-4105
Chromosome 1
Comments FlyBase Insertion: P{RS5}amn[5-SZ-4105]

DrosDel FRT insertion: 5-SZ-4105

Chromosomal location of the insertion was inferred by FlyBase from sequence location.

Received from the Szeged Drosophila Stock Centre, University of Szeged, Hungary

Original Source Peter Maroy, Szeged Drosophila Stock Centre, University of Szeged, Hungary
General Information RSlines
Genus Drosophila
Subgenus Sophophora
Species Group melanogaster
Species Subgroup melanogaster
Species melanogaster
Reference Ryder E, Blows F, Ashburner M, Bautista-Llacer R, Coulson D, Drummond J, Webster J, Gubb D, Gunton N, Johnson G, O'Kane CJ, Huen D, Sharma P, Asztalos Z, Baisch H, Schulze J, Kube M, Kittlaus K, Reuter G, Maroy P, Szidonya J, Rasmuson-Lestander A, Ekstrom K, Dickson B, Hugentobler C, Stocker H, Hafen E, Lepesant JA, Pflugfelder G, Heisenberg M, Mechler B, Serras F, Corominas M, Schneuwly S, Preat T, Roote J, Russell S.
The DrosDel collection: a set of P-element insertions for generating custom chromosomal aberrations in Drosophila melanogaster.
Genetics (2004) 167(2) 797-813 [RRC reference]

Ryder E, Ashburner M, Bautista-Llacer R, Drummond J, Webster J, Johnson G, Morley T, Chan YS, Blows F, Coulson D, Reuter G, Baisch H, Apelt C, Kauk A, Rudolph T, Kube M, Klimm M, Nickel C, Szidonya J, Maroy P, Pal M, Rasmuson-Lestander A, Ekstrom K, Stocker H, Hugentobler C, Hafen E, Gubb D, Pflugfelder G, Dorner C, Mechler B, Schenkel H, Marhold J, Serras F, Corominas M, Punset A, Roote J, Russell S.
The DrosDel deletion collection: a Drosophila genomewide chromosomal deficiency resource.
Genetics (2007) 177(1) 615-29 [RRC reference]
Last update 2020-04-03
Research papers using this strain
[Please submit your publication]
Ryder E, Ashburner M, Bautista-Llacer R, Drummond J, Webster J, Johnson G, Morley T, Chan YS, Blows F, Coulson D, Reuter G, Baisch H, Apelt C, Kauk A, Rudolph T, Kube M, Klimm M, Nickel C, Szidonya J, Maroy P, Pal M, Rasmuson-Lestander A, Ekstrom K, Stocker H, Hugentobler C, Hafen E, Gubb D, Pflugfelder G, Dorner C, Mechler B, Schenkel H, Marhold J, Serras F, Corominas M, Punset A, Roote J, Russell S.
The DrosDel deletion collection: a Drosophila genomewide chromosomal deficiency resource.
Genetics (2007) 177(1) 615-29 [PubMed ID = 17720900] [RRC reference]

Ryder E, Blows F, Ashburner M, Bautista-Llacer R, Coulson D, Drummond J, Webster J, Gubb D, Gunton N, Johnson G, O'Kane CJ, Huen D, Sharma P, Asztalos Z, Baisch H, Schulze J, Kube M, Kittlaus K, Reuter G, Maroy P, Szidonya J, Rasmuson-Lestander A, Ekstrom K, Dickson B, Hugentobler C, Stocker H, Hafen E, Lepesant JA, Pflugfelder G, Heisenberg M, Mechler B, Serras F, Corominas M, Schneuwly S, Preat T, Roote J, Russell S.
The DrosDel collection: a set of P-element insertions for generating custom chromosomal aberrations in Drosophila melanogaster.
Genetics (2004) 167(2) 797-813 [PubMed ID = 15238529] [RRC reference]
Stock Request

Library & Clone Information
Library Name / Clone Name 5-SZ-4105
Strand Plus
Insertion Point 19781139
Chromosome Band X
Flanking Sequence
Sequence Comment X:19781139..19781139 [+]