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[ GeneSymbol=?SM1 ]

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Request DGRC Number Genotype with FlyBase Link / Species and Strain Break points/Insertion Site Related Genes Collected in Research papers (PubMed ID)
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103283 Df(2R)Px2, bw[1] sp[1] / SM1 60C5-6;60D9-10    
105851 hy[1] a[1] px[1] sp[1] / SM1      
108818 Df(2R)F36, cn[1] bw[1] / SM1 057B17-20;057C06    
108820 Df(2R)MP1, cn[1] bw[1] / SM1 057C01-02;057D01-02    
108822 Df(2R)K11, bw[1] sp[1] / SM1 057C03-04;057D07-08    
101347 cn[1] bw[1] sp[1] Kr[2] / SM1      
101488 ex[1] ds[1] S[X] ast[X] / SM1      
101517 In(2LR)102, ds[W] sp[2] / SM1      
105842 ex[1] ds[1] S[X] ast[X] / SM1      
106410 cn[1] bw[1] sp[1] Kr[2] / SM1      
107721 y[1]; wg[Sp-1] / SM1; ry[506]      
101496 Df(2L)Gpdh75 / SM1, Gpdh[nMC1]      
103176 w[*]; P{w[+m*]=GAL4}38.2 / SM1      
106193 Dp(2;2)C619 / SM1, amos[Roi-1] 026A;028E    
101560 wg[Sp-1] lys[1] rc[1] J[1] / SM1      
101822 In(1)w[m4h]; Su(var)205[2] / SM1     25437195
200630 w[*]; P{w[+mC]=GSV2}GS5002 / SM1 40C2 CG1832(CT5544) 9927464
200678 w[*]; P{w[+mC]=GSV2}GS5064 / SM1 45C3 CG2055(CT6660) 9927464
200688 w[*]; P{w[+mC]=GSV2}GS5075 / SM1 36C2 dl(CT20676) 9927464
200689 w[*]; P{w[+mC]=GSV2}GS5076 / SM1 30C6 CG3949(CT13103) 9927464
200740 w[*]; P{w[+mC]=GSV2}GS5153 / SM1 23B1 CG9894(CT9918) 9927464
200884 w[*]; P{w[+mC]=GSV3}GS6068 / SM1 87F8 CG9591(CT27084) 9927464
200928 w[*]; P{w[+mC]=GSV3}GS6122 / SM1 46A1 CG1794(CT5360) 9927464
200940 w[*]; P{w[+mC]=GSV3}GS6135 / SM1 44D2 CG14749(CT34550) 9927464
205088 w[*]; P{w[+mC]=GSV2}GS5234 / SM1 021B02   9927464
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Original Number Embryo
P element insertion site(cytological region)  -  Larvae
Cytolocation  -  Adult
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Chromosome Photo Exist
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