GETDB - Gal4 Enhancer Trap Insertion Database -
< Home GETDB (Gal4 Enhancer Trap Insertion Database)
Version 3.0 (August 1, 2003)
  • Methods

    Strain production

    Lines were generated by transposition of P{GawB} element of Brand and Perrimon (1993), mapped and balanced according to the protocol by Yoshihara and Ito (2000). Some of the lines were balanced directly with strains containing second and third chromosome balancers.

    Gal4 expression analyses

    Embryo: Males of each strain were crossed to w; UAS-gfpnlacZ UAS-gfp[S65T] females and embryos were collected and fixed according to the method by Hummel et al. (Dev. Genes & Evol. 207: 131-135). Embryos were stained with anti-beta galactosidase monoclonal antibody and ABC elite kit and mounted in aqueous mountant (Mowiol) for microscopic observation.

    Larva: Dissected larvae were fixed and stained for beta galactosidase activity with X-gal. Stained imaginal discs were mounted for microscopic observation. Live larvae were also observed directly under dissecting GFP microscope (Leika).

    Adult: Some of adult flies were observed under dissecting GFP microscope.

    Inverse PCR and sequencing

    DNA purification
    Inverse PCR
    DNA sequencing

    Blast Search, Mapping and Database Construction

    Blast search was performed by the program package Dynaclust lite TM against Release 1.0 Cerela/BDGP sequence. Database was constructed by Sybase platform.

  • Contributor

    Strain production, maintenance and expression analyses in NIG

    Misako Taniguchi, Hiroko Takeuchi, Yuko Kurita, Hiromi Niwa, Reiko Iwoki,
    Qun Rei, Sachiko Yoneyama, Kazumi Tanimoto, Aya Matsunaga, Miyuki Kobari,
    Yuki Kagoshima.

    Inverse PCR Mapping

    Yukiko Sado, Misako Taniguchi, Ai Akimoto

    DNA sequencing

    Yuji Kohara (NIG, Genetic Resource Center)

  • Acknowledgement

    This project in Hayashi lab was supported by Japan Society for Promotion of Science (Research for Future), and by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas (C) "Genome Science" from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.

Copyrights (C) 2002 All rights reserved, Shigeo Hayashi (Riken Center for Developmental Biology) .
This database is based on the DYNACLUST system developed by DYNACOM Co., Ltd.