
Acquisition Policy

The KYOTO Stock Center (DGRC) has been collecting Drosophila stocks from researchers and institutions to serve the Drosophila research community, with the support of Kyoto Institute of Technology and the National BioResource Project "Drosophila" of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan.

Please contact us at the Web form when you wish to donate Drosophila stocks. Conditions and other information are as follows:

  1. Donation guidelines (stocks we can accept):
    1) Stocks that are new to the Center and that can be distributed to the users from KYOTO Stock Center (DGRC)
    2) Genotype and a research paper describing the origin, phenotype, and other characteristics of the stock, or mutation, or transgene construct should be provided. If not published, please file an English report on the above information.
    Please note that we cannot accept all stocks given to us. Please see “How To Donate Drosophila Stocks To KYOTO Stock Center (DGRC)” page for stocks that we can and cannot accept.

  2. Information that the provider should report:
    1) Research papers: Please give us key references from which the information about the stock is obtained. This is of crucial importance to both the provider and the users. KYOTO Stock Center (DGRC) recommends that the users cite these references in their papers.
    2) Genotype: KYOTO Stock Center (DGRC) advises the provider to follow the Nomenclature of FlyBase. Please consult the following website: http://flybase.org/wiki/FlyBase:Nomenclature. Note that the genotype will be corrected without notifying the provider.
    3) Allele names: Provide the full allele name if possible. If you are not certain, it should be [*].
    4) Insertion position of a transgene in the genome if possible.
    5) Others: Expression pattern, allele description and other information are also very welcome.

  3. Date to be open
    The stocks will be open to the public as soon as possible. However, at the provider's request, the stocks can be unavailable for distribution for a while. If you want to postpone for the stocks to be open, please provide us the reason (such as an expectation that the paper will be published in the near future) and the desired date to be open (within 6 months of the first contact). If you wish to extend the postponement, please let us know before the expiration date. If the postponement is for more than 18 months, KYOTO Stock Center (DGRC) will re-consider the acceptance of the stocks. The provider is expected to cooperate with us to find a solution acceptable to all. If KYOTO Stock Center (DGRC) loses contact with the provider in the postponement period, the stocks may be discarded.

  4. Condition requested by the provider
    Basically, the stocks will be distributed to all users unconditionally. We cannot accept donation of a stock asking research collaboration or co-authorship on a paper upon a distribution of the stock. If some other conditions have to be met, please contact us. In addition, let us know whether the stocks can be distributed to a for-profit organization and, if any, a condition to distribute to such an organization.

  5. MTA contract with Kyoto Institute of Technology
    Please contact us when your institution requests a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) contract with us, although not many institutions have done so.

  6. Stock’s removal
    Redundant or low-use stocks may be removed from the Center due to need to make room for new collections or other reasons. In such a case, KYOTO Stock Center (DGRC) will contact the provider and will send the stocks if requested.

  7. Quarantine
    KYOTO Stock Center (DGRC) makes a great effort to maintain a mite- and fungus-free environment. Please send stocks that are not contaminated with them. Because all stocks imported to the Center have to undergone a strict inspection of mites and fungi, it usually takes a couple of months or so to be open to the public.

  8. Quality test
    In order to maintain a high quality of the genetic resource, KYOTO Stock Center (DGRC) may request the provider scientist to voluntarily test whether the stocks posses the original characteristics. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

3rd July 2014
Revised: 7th November 2019
Toshiyuki Takano-Shimizu-K, D.Sc
KYOTO Stock Center (DGRC)
Department of Drosophila Genomics and Genetic Resources
Kyoto Institute of Technology

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Last-modified: 07 Nov 2019 (Thu) 13:14:46 (1770d)