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Deficiency Kits

DrosDel Core Deletion Kit: modified by DGRC Kyoto

Deficiency kit composed of DrosDel molecularly mapped deletions. See also DrosDel.

Chromosome ArmDrosDel Deletion ID#linesLink
XDf(1)ED***41>>> Stock list
2LDf(2L)ED***48>>> Stock list
2RDf(2R)ED***29>>> Stock list
3LDf(3L)ED***35>>> Stock list
3RDf(3R)ED***53>>> Stock list
4Df(4)ED***3>>> Stock list
All autosomes-168>>> Stock list
All Core Kit-209>>> Stock list
First 80 lines80>>> Stock list
Second 80 lines80>>> Stock list
Rest 49 lines49>>> Stock list

NOTE: Some strains may be temporarily deleted from the list owing to unavoidable circumstances.

The original DrosDel core deletion kit can be found at

T. Ohsako

Selected deficiency strains

Each kit is a set of deficiency lines for each chromosome. Deficiencies covers about 90% of the genome, provide maximal coverage of the genome with the minimal number of available stocks. Almost all deficiencies are NOT molecularly mapped.

NOTE: Some strains may be temporarily deleted from the list owing to unavoidable circumstances.

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Last-modified: 12 Dec 2016 (Mon) 21:29:11 (2783d)