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Stocks carrying balancer(s)

Balancers are chromosomes with inversions and dominant marker mutations useful to maintain a lethal or sterile homologous chromosome or a segment thereof intact in a cross or stock. Balancer chromosomes are also useful for the substitution of chromosomes between stocks.

The below is a partial list where balancers are categorised as series. The balancer symbols link to stock list.

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Standard genotypes are shown, but variants may have additional markers or loose standard ones.

X chromosome


ClBIn(1)Cl, sc1 l(1)C t2 v1 sl1 B1FBba0000069The first balancer constructed by Muller

First Multiple Series

FM1In(1)sc8 + dl-49, y31d sc8 wa lzs B1FBba0000011First Multiple 1
FM0In(1)sc8 + dl-49, y31d sc8 w1 vOf m2 f1 B1FBba0000010First Multiple 0: A female fertile variant of FM1
FM3In(1)FM3, y31d sc8 dm1 B1FBba0000002First Multiple 3
FM4In(1)FM4, y31d sc8 dm1 B1FBba0000070First Multiple 4
FM6In(1)FM6, y31d sc8 dm1 B1FBba0000003First Multiple 6
FM7, First Multiple 7 familiesFM7 (without an alphabet) in genotype may be FM7c or its variants
FM7aIn(1)FM7, y31d sc8 wa vOf B1FBba0000007
FM7bIn(1)FM7, y31d sc8 wa lzs B1FBba0000008
FM7cIn(1)FM7, y31d sc8 wa snX2 vOf g4 B1FBba0000009
FM7dIn(1)FM7, y31d sc8 B1FBba0000216Synonym: FM7a, w+ v+
FM7hIn(1)FM7, y31d sc8 w1 oc1 ptg1 B1FBba0000224Synonym: FM7a, w1 oc1 ptg1
FM7iIn(1)FM7, y93j sc8 w1 oc1 ptg1 B1FBba0000226
FM7kIn(1)FM7, y31d sc8 snX2 B1FBba0000242

In(1)sc Inversions

BascIn(1)scSILsc8R +S, scS1 sc8 wa B1FBba0000014Synonym: Muller-5
BinscIn(1)scSILsc8R + dl-49, scS1 sc8 B1FBba0000017
BinscyIn(1)scSILsc8R + dl-49, yc4 scS1 sc8 B1FBba0000018
InscyIn(1)scSILsc8R + dl-49, yc4 scS1 sc8FBba0000022Inscy is B+
BinsinscyIn(1)scSILsc8R + dl-49, yc4 w1 scS1 sc8 snX2 B1FBba0000019
BinsnIn(1)scSILsc8R + dl-49, scS1 sc8 snX2 B1FBba0000020

Second chromosome

Balancers Based on Cy

CyOIn(2LR)O, Cy1 dplv1 pr1 cn2FBba0000025Curly of Oster
In(2L)Cy, In(2R)CyIn(2L)Cy

Second Multiple Series

These are also derivatives of In(2L)Cy, In(2R)Cy and balancers based on Cy.

SM1In(2LR)SM1, al2 Cy1 cn2 sp2FBba0000037Second Multiple 1
SM5In(2LR)SM5, al2 Cy1 ltv cn2 sp2FBba0000038Second Multiple 5
SM6aIn(2LR)SM6, al2 Cy1 dplv1 cn2P sp2FBba0000039Second Multiple 6 Without Roi
SM6bIn(2LR)SM6, al2 Cy1 dplv1 amosRoi-1 cn2P sp2FBba0000040Second Multiple 6 With Roi

Other (non Cy) Second Chromosome Balancers

In(2LR)GlaFBab0004765Gla balancers: Dominant marker is wgGla-1
In(2LR)bwV1FBab0004861Plum balancers: Dominant marker is bwV1

Third Chromosome

Third Multiple Series

TM1In(3LR)TM1, Me1 kniri-1 Sbsbd-lFBba0000042Third Multiple 1
TM2In(3LR)Ubx130, emc2 Ubx130 esFBba0000062Third Multiple 2 "TM2 is not a good balancer for the distal 3R, the 96A-100 region not being inverted." (in page 536 of Drosophila: A Laboratoy Handbook. 2nd ed. Ashburner et al. 2005)
TM3In(3LR)TM3, kniri-1 pp vvlsep l(3)89Aa1 Ubxbx-34e e1FBba0000047Third Multiple 3
TM6In(3LR)TM6, Hnp ssaP88 Ubxbx-34e UbxP15 e1FBba0000056Third Multiple 6 Caution!!! Search results show TM6, TM6B and TM6C.
TM6BIn(3LR)TM6B, AntpHu e1FBba0000057Third Multiple 6B "Probably most efficient balancer of chromosome 3." (in page 1075 of Lindsley and Zimm 1992).
TM6CIn(3LR)TM6C, e1FBba0000071Third Multiple 6C: Absence of AntpHu. "Resembles TM6B in balancing efficiency except that the absence of In(3R)Hu in TM6C lessens its effectiveness in the centromere region. Various marker combinations exist (including cu1 and Sb1) in addition to e1." (in page 1075 of Lindsley and Zimm 1992).
TM8, l(3)DTS41In(3LR)TM8, l(3)DTS41 th1 st1 Sb1 e1FBba0000060Third Multiple 8 "Effective chromosome 3 balancer that carries dominant temperature-sensitive lethal; shows very few viable and fertile escapers from the DTS phenotype. 87C-92D-E not balanced (Duncan)." (in page 1075 of Lindsley and Zimm 1992).
TM9, l(3)DTS41In(3LR)TM9, l(3)DTS41 th1 st1 Sb1 e1FBba0000061Third Multiple 9 Effective chromosome 3 balancer that carries dominant temperature-sensitive lethal; shows very few viable and fertile escapers from the DTS phenotype. 87A-92D-E not balanced (Duncan). (in page 1075 of Lindsley and Zimm 1992).

Other Third Chromosome Balancers

MRSTp(3;3)MRS, M(3)76A1 ry2 Sb1FBba0000068
MKRSTp(3;3)MRS, M(3)76A1 kar1 ry2 Sb1FBba0000066The same as MRS, but carries kar1
CxDIn(3LR)CxD, D1FBba0000103
DcxFIn(3LR)DcxF, ru1 h1 D1FBba0000104
LVMIn(3LR)LVM, l(3)LVML1 PoLVM pe1 l(3)LVMR1FBba0000064
TMS, P{Delta2-3}99BIn(3LR)TMS, M(3)76A1 kar1 ry2 Sb1 P{Delta2-3}99BFBba0000072

Double Balancer Stocks (Second and Third Chromosomes)

130386w1118; wgSp-1 / CyO; MKRS / TM6B, Tb1
109554y1 w67c23; wgSp-1 / CyO; TM2 / TM6B, Tb1
107182w1118; CyO / nub1 b1 nocSco lt1 stw3; MKRS / TM6B, Tb1
109552w1118; Bl1 / CyO; TM2 / TM6B, Tb1

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Last-modified: 06 Feb 2023 (Mon) 16:04:44 (583d)